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American English & French (FLE) courses

CPF eligible courses with an experienced and certified teacher. 

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Personalized and tailor-made learning

An method based on personalised support, language autonomy

and oral fluency

Living in Paris since 2007 and originally from Texas, I have been teaching French and English since 2010. My passion for languages led me to study the teaching of foreign languages, a cultural adventure shared between the USA and France that continues today.  


My teaching approach encourages rapid oral fluency and total autonomy in your learning. 


I am certified QUALIOPI in France and authorized to provide training supported by the personal training account (CPF).

Photo de James Batchelor

Personal support, autonomy & oral profeciency

These three fundamental pillars are at the heart of a tailor-made 5-step program accompanied with personalised support that allows you to progress quickly by targeting the skills you need. The intensive pace, with a minimum of 1 lesson of 50 minutes per week, promotes improved assimilation of the language, allowing you to quickly increase your oral fluency. 

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